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Final Logo.png

The AUSTRALIAN BOATING MANUAL logo was created by Ross Carey, who designed the first edition cover back in 1996 and every cover since then. 


Ross has used the colours from the sixth edition cover to create this wonderful logo to help celebrate the launch of the new edition.


The logo incorporates three important items of equipment used by seafarers worldwide: 




The HELM helps steer the vessel to it's destination, the COMPASS navigates the course the vessel must take, and the ANCHOR safely secures the vessel while at rest. The logo also includes the SUN and SEA which is the environment of the mariner.


These important items of equipment have served seafarers since they took to the oceans generations ago. They allowed them to travel the waterways of the world and arrive at their destination safely.

Highly Recommended By

Australian Sailing
Boating Industry Association
Marine Rescue New South Wales
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association
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